100 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Tiberius born to Yaris and Kirtina H'atar, on
Scree Fron |
101 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Yaris get promotion to Lead Ship Designer at
Pan Galactic
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Relocates family to Main Head Quarters at
Gran Quivera, Prenglar |
116 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | While still in school Tie receives job at Pan
Galactic with help from father
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Theorizes advanced Cargo Management system;
from this point on it is Tie's life-long ambition. |
120 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Tie Graduated at the top of his class in
engineering and design
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Tie is promoted to Construction Plant Manager
with PG |
122 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Tie finds a potentially fatal flaw in Pan
Galactic's ship Designs
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | After bringing the flaw up to PG Management.
Tie resigns position after immense protest over flaw
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | In fear of retaliation for PG thugs, Tie
enlists into the White Light Militia
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Tie meets eventual best friend Steven |
| | |
123 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Steven marries
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Both Tie and Steven are raised to the rank of
JR. Lieutenant |
125 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Tie marries
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Tie is raised to the rank of Lieutenant, and
given command of the CMS Flitter
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Steven is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant
and given command of CMS Wasp
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | After a brutal pirate attack both men
realized to potential for the corvette for a high risk cargo
escort ship |
| | |
126 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Zachary H'atar, Tie son is born and Stevens
son Marcus was born later in the same year |
127 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Using skills for both Tie and Steven, the
design for a corvette class ship was completed
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | After combining personal resources and
obtaining a loan, they constructed the corvette class ship and
named the Necromancer
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | After the ship's completion, Tie and Steven
resigned there positions with White Light Militia |
| |
128 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | After a long period of waiting the first High
Risk cargo escort from White Light to Dramune, was contracted |
129 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Several more successful contracts for High
Risk escorts are completed
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Design conception for a massive transporters
start |
130 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Ties son Kaylon is born |
131 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Necromancer was attacked while completing
cargo run. Cargo and transport were lost. Necromancer takes heavy
damage and casualties
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Steven, Ties best friend, is killed in
countering the boarding attempt
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | As per Steven's last request, Tie Raises
Marcus as his own son
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Tie vows revenge against attacking pirates |
| | |
132 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Raid on pirate encampment successful
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Tie turn over pirate leader to local
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Tie is rewarded all salvage rights to pirate
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Salvages pirate base, hull size 5 freighter,
and an Assault Scout |
| | |
133 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | NERCO Inc is created, using Ties own ships
for chartering out High Risk Cargo Transports
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Refitted space station, Mass Cargo Transport
ship construction started |
134 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | NERCO Inc transport division is successful.
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Mass Transport ship construction is complete
and is suitably named Super Freighter
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Test runs and promotions of the Super
Freighter begins |
| |
135 - 144 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Orders for four HS 5 Supers are taken and
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Frigate NCS 2501 Thunder Clap is commissioned
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Necromancer is re named NCS 1501.
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Assault Scout is named NCS 1001 Fireball
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | After station refit and automation the
largest Super Freighter ever Constructed (HS 20) was launched
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | The development of the passenger container
was completed
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Four HS 10 Super Freighters entered service
with NERCO. One fitted with passenger containers for the liner
division and the rest were turned over to the High Risk Cargo
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | After completing schooling Marcus is given
command of Necromancer and High-risk cargo operations.
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | After completing schooling, Zack accepts lead
research division |
| | | | | | | |
145 - 148 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Several ship based developments are
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Kaylon is given position of
lead security offer for all divisions
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Medical field revolutionized, with NERCO's
development of the Bio Bed
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Work on medical relief ship begins
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | NERCO Inc establishes Mega-Corp. status |
| | | |
149 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Transportable Gravity generator technology
grinds to a halt, putting Medical Relief ship on hold
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Concept development and construction of
Assault Container are completed
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | With tragic loss of life and equipment the
third Co. owned Super Freighter was destroyed while carrying
volatile chemicals. |
| |
150 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Tie turn over control of
NERCO Inc. to Marcus, Zack and Kaylon to spend more time with his
wife. |
151 |
![](../_themes/necro-site-1/safbul1a.gif) | Present time |