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Company Information - Within these pages lay the history,
company formation and structure. |
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Necore System - Supplies information on the system
Necore. The home planet of Necro Inc. |
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Shipyards - This is the main stay of the whole
company. Her you will find may different ships and the systems that compose
them. |
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Personnel - Even thought that most of the menial tasks are preformed
with robots and computers. Necro still uses living beings to manage the
company. Here you will find a list of all the lead personnel of the company. |
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"NEC" Tech - New developments in every form of Technology
and Equipment are listed here. If Necro invented it - It is in these pages. |
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Game Information - Listed here are the
rules that made this game one of the greatest ever played. Included are New
Rules, Old Ones and My House Rules. |
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Important Links - Beside this site,
herein resides the other sites (links) that make this Role Playing Game
diverse, and exciting. Be sure to check these out. |
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"All ZIPPED Up" This link will lead you to the
online storage area dedicated to storing downloadable ZIP and SIT
files. I am providing these for people to use offline and to read. |
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Copy Right Stuff - Self explanatory! |
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Feed Back - This is where you let us know what you think, Yes
weather it be good or bad ... let us know! |